Sunday, 25 August 2013

I feel like I'm getting worse - 114 days post-op

I have a very persistent pain/ache in the right groin, the side I had microfracture on. I bent down to pick something up this morning and it went ping.

Then I jumped in the car and felt nerve pain down the left leg straight away.

This is ridiculous. I seem to be getting worse.

I'm seeing Grant who is an exercise physiologist and he is extremely confident he'll sort me out. I'm not holding my breath at this stage.

I've got a simple exercise where I'm on all fours and I rotate my lower leg out. It's to build up my arse muscles from scratch.

I feel like I've stuffed up somehow by not doing enough but you can only do what you're told I suppose.


  1. had 4 surgeons say I need scope, 39 and mri's over 3 years showing worsening tears etc, about to make a surgery date within a month, wish I didn't read your blog

    1. Sorry mate. If I can offer you some advice I would say just ensure you have a Physio or exercise physiologist who has been trained to deal with you post-op. I wasted a lot of time in my recovery receiving mixed messages from the Melbourne Physio and others. Find someone who has dealt with FAI successfully before and stick with them.
