Monday, 24 June 2013

A great day and hoping for good news tomorrow - 55 days post-op

I had a great day today with the kids down at our family farm teaching them how to drive out in the paddocks. It was a beautiful, sunny winter's day and Lucy, Tom and I drove around in the paddocks with our Golden Retriever, Murray, loping along behind us.

We stopped at a few dams and threw sticks in for Murray to retrieve while the kids shared driving duties. Tom was on my lap and just steered while Lucy can do everything except operate the handbrake. We also had our Nikon DSLR and the kids enjoyed taking loads of photos.

We explored an old small underground goldmine on the property which was a spooky treat for the kids.

After heading back into town and enjoying some meat pies and milkshakes at the bakery, we collected our swimming gear and headed into the YMCA pool where we met my wife, Caroline. After a play with the kids I tried some more hydrotherapy.

Once again I walked the length of the pool forwards 10 times up and back, backwards 5 times up and back, and sideways 5 times up and back while facing the same direction. I felt quite good however I did feel a few uncomfortable twinges in the groins/hips at times whilst completing the sideways laps when I opened the legs too far.

I finished off with 20 gentle knee to chest stretches on each side and 20 heel to bum quad stretches on each side. The left side had an excellent, free range of movement however I found that I couldn't touch my arse with the right heel unless I really pulled on the leg. I had almost a cramping feeling in the lower right hamstring. I've pulled up ok tonight though.

Sleeping has still been a problem that I hoped would be resolved with surgery. Tomorrow I catch up with Amir Takla, the Melbourne physio, who I hope will give me some advice regarding the aches and pains I have in the upper pelvis during the night on both sides. He should be providing me with a program of exercises for the ramped up rehab I expect to be undertaking.

I want to know:
  • Are these upper pelvis aches related to the FAI?
  • Why do I have the deep pain in the right buttock after sitting or limited exercise?
  • Why do I have more aches and pains now than pre-op?
  • Why do I experience restriction, tightness and pain in the groins when riding the stationary bike?
  • What would he expect me to feel like in terms of aches/pains and movement after 8 weeks?
  • Why am I sore after being on my feet at work or walking around on a muddy footy ground?
I'm sure there are loads more things I'd like to know and I'm certain I'll forget to ask him anything. Amir talks fast and I reckon I'll be out the door with my head spinning before I know it.

If you are reading this blog and have any thoughts or comments, good or bad, I would really appreciate it if you could add your comments after any of my posts. I feel like I am on my own with this and would love to hear from people in the same boat.

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