Sunday, 9 June 2013

Baby steps and hydrotherapy (or walking around in a pool) - 42 dayspost-op

Took the kids to the local YMCA pool today for some fun. There is a relatively new 20m hydrotherapy pool there and I thought, well, when in Rome.... I know I have been told I'm not to swim or kick but I thought walking laps of the hydro pool MIT be the go.

I shot Matt my physio a text to ask if he thought it was suitable. He said it was and suggested a few things to try. He's a good man, that fella.

So i walked up the length of the pool forwards 10 times up and back, backwards 4 times up and back, and sideways 4 times up and back while facing the same direction. The straight ahead and backwards  stuff was fine but I felt very tight and found I couldn't open up the legs very much moving sideways. By the end of the side to side laps I was noticeably sore with the burning groin and outer hip/pelvis.

As suggested I finished off with 20 gentle knee to chest stretches on each side, calf stretch and 20 heel to arse quad stretches on each side. While I stood there stretching I had the ridiculous thought of running a marathon down the track, maybe even as an excuse to travel overseas with the family. But the words of OPSM sports doctor Andrew Jowett still ring in my head. "Your running days are over, mate."

Then I had an hour of shooting hoops and playing "keepings off" with the kids in the pool. I very much enjoyed the activity and playing with my favourite peeps.

I didn't feel self-conscious about wandering around the hydrotherapy pool like a clapped out old fart, especially with my daughter Lucy floating along talking to me as I went. But I feel like the 15-20 over spells and long periods spent batting last cricket season are a lifetime ago. I couldn't possibly do that as I am now. And I can't help but wonder if I would be able to again.

The annual boys golf trip is in 40 days. I'd like to be right to walk and play 2 rounds of golf in 2 days by then at the latest. That's my current aim. Baby steps......

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